Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big Ring Massacre

Is what took place on my legs tonight.

2 hour long spin session

30 min Z2-Z3 warm up
4 x 15 min big rings spins Z4-Z5 holding 180-210 watts w/a 55-60 cadence; 5 min Z2 recoveries
15 min high spin/flush that lactic %$#^ out cool down

1st interval - Difficult, I told myself the first is always the hardest - it will get better
2nd interval - Alas, this one was better, not by much but gave me hope
3rd interval - By now my windows are fogged up and I have a pond forming underneath me. I'm watching LOST, trying to block out the pain in my quads and the massive amount of fatigue. I don't think I took enough salt. This interval was harder then the first, it was time to admit I had been lying to myself- it would not get easier, or better or less difficult. I was in hell and I was determined to spin out alive.
4th interval - Boom Boom Pow! I think I was lost in LOST. Fatigue's a B$%@#! Lack of sodium's a B%$@^. My pond had now turned into one of the country's great lakes - I was going to have to swim away from the bike. Wanting to quite I continued to ask myself "How bad do you want it?" My response was bad enough that I would finish the 15 minutes with full power and swim away from Carnage with my head held up high.

My legs are not going to want to rest tonight. Yogi time tea, come to my rescue.

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