Monday, July 20, 2009

Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going

Not sure how it happened but I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed! Maybe good sleep? Maybe my Zoot compression tight's? Maybe my Yogi Time Tea? Maybe a combination of all of the above? I'm motivated and energized and ready to face another long week of training!

AM Swim
500 warm up

1 x 250 paddles;10
1 x 250 buoy;10
1 x 50 - one arm glide
2 x 200 - 50-a-ok, 50-fist, 50-karate, 50-free;15
1 x 50 - one arm glide;10
2 x 50 - one arm catch up;10
2 x 50 - high elbow finger drag;10
1 x 250 paddles;10
1 x 250 buoy;10

Main Set
1 x 200 - positive split (first 100 hard/last 100 easy);10
1 x 200 - even split (first 50 easy/middle 100 hard/last 50 easy);10
1 x 200 - negative split (first 100 easy/last 100 hard);10
repeat 1 x

1 x 100 - Cool down

Total yardage 3500

That, that, that is all folks :)

1 comment:

Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete said...

Someone said to me today that they don't know how I do all three disciplines (she's a runner). I simply replied "I don't know, either...but then again, I'm having way too much fun to actually question it".

And then I thought of you. :D