Monday, August 24, 2009


I just don't even know what to put here....

That sums up the what's going on in my brain. Every couple hours I freak out and I don't know why. I've trained long and hard. I've given it my all. I've played the game plan over and over and over again. I am prepared and I am confident, YET I am scared shitless. How the hell is that possible?

Evening run - 6.5 miles
I pushed my aerobic intensity and kept my muscular intensity in check. I ran in the exposed heat, on the hard sidewalk and endured woman pain, yet I ran with a smile. Finished with a 7:54 avg

Blog - I'd like to thank everyone for all the supportive comments. I'll be repeating these things in my head when I race :)


Bird Legs said...

Good Luck Kat! You're going to kick ass and take names in Canada...that's affirmative!

Anonymous said...

I know you are freaking out but my unsolicited advice is to enjoy the tension leading up to the race and reflect on the unbelievable amount of work it took to get you ready for this. I am not one to say it's the journey that is important than the destination, but I also don't think you should discount what you have already accomplished. Things could go wrong during the race-I've been there-but that does not mean you weren't ready and did what it took. Kick ass and have fun, you deserve it.