So I went to go see the cardiologist today. As I waited in the cold doctors office I took these photos
Believe it or not but this model heart was fun to play with and made the time pass...20 minutes later I'm greeted by a not so friendly doctor whom I only guess tries to hide her bad attitude but a couple lbs of makeup. Hello Tammy Faye. She goes on to take another EKG, listens to my heart in all kinds of positions, and then asks a billion questions. Please insert criticizing my training throughout visit. I don't know if she was trying to bond with me when she went off on a tangent about her early running days or trying to scare me shitless with all the bad long term effects endurance training will have on the cardiovascular system. Funny how she didn't mention any of the good things it does. My Ekg was better this time around, although still posed a cause for concern. Apparently I have a delayed spike between the Q and T....not too sure what that means. She did say I can resume training but to stay away from high intervals until after I have an echo-stress test done....which won't be until sometime next week. UGH! But at least I got the go ahead to run tomorrow, I'm excited about that.....then I'm off to Canada!
And what is the name of your new doc?
Seriously, ditch her. You need someone who understands you and who you trust and respect.
I have a couple rec's if you move to CA ;)
Thanks :)
She won't be my permanent doc, just the one doing the cardiac exams. If all goes well with the "meeting" I'll have different insurance so I'll have to see someone different anyway. Since the insurance will be 100% better then what I currently have I might wait to get the test done.
Bummer about the doc. Hopefully you'll be able to find a good sports-related doc.
As for Canada - woot!
sounds like you might have long qt syndrome, although without looking at the ekg, hard to tell . . .
San Diego is the place...
Let us knkow more about the next test.
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