Just the typical Saturday….ok maybe not
So the day has arrived that I have to buckle down and eat a full stack of those giant man-cakes to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I was going to eat lettuce all day on Friday to try to “train” for the event and stretch my stomach out. But that ended up not happening. My training has been ramping up and I’m suffering a nasty allergy cold so my energy levels area bit low. I need to eat to keep Kat healthy, not to put me out of commission for a week. Another factor is I have been again experiencing insomnia and waking up to a growling tummy. 3 nights this last week I have woken up 3-4 times through out the night, usually at least once to a growling stomach. This happened a lot last year so I figure I just need up my caloric intake. I’m hoping the insomnia is just do to my cold/allergies I have. So I went to bed at 8pm last night. I woke up 4 times throughout the night, I had dreams of pancakes chasing me and blueberries dancing circles around me, this can’t be a good sign. At 4:30 I finally said screw it and got up and made my way to the gym to do the following swim workout. Oh and I had a few pieces of home made trail putty, factoring in about 200 cal
Warm up 200 easy
10 x 25s, 2 easy, 2 fast, rest :10 between each
4 x 100s, 50 drill/50 light quick turnover. Drills: fist free, long glide, or half catch-up. Rest :15
1 x 600, at 60% effort,
breathe every 5 or 6 strokes; rest 20-30
1 x 50 easy
2 x 200s, at 70% effort,
breathe every 4 or 5 strokes; rest 20-30
1 x 50 easy
4 x 75s at 80% breathe every 3 or 4 strokes; rest 20-30
1 x 50 easy
1 x 200 easy with a buoy, roll your hips through to both sides.
25 w/ 5 pool pushups
50 w/ 5 pool pushups
50 w/ 5 pool pushups
50 w/ 5 pool pushups
25 w/ 5 pool pushups
Total mtrs:
The swim felt great. I had a good amount of energy and I am no longer experiencing shoulder pain. Post swim I shower and down a Lara Bar (200 cal) and head up to Germantown and Skyline Rd to meet the team for a 10 mile LSD trail run. Holy mother of God! It was freezing up on the hill. I realized one I arrived my energy was dragging and I was getting hunger. I couldn’t very well run with zero calories, I mean come on, I’m high off of Sudafed, lacking hydration (got to leave room for pancakes), and can’t breath for shizznit. I down a mini LaraBar (100 cal) right before the run. Then we’re off. LSD trail runs were meant to go slow and that is what I did. I ran with Fred for a good 30 mins and then caught up to Chris and Randle with whom I stuck with for the rest of the run. We reach the 5 mile ½ way point and I’m feeling it, I’ve only had a sip of water and my head was really dizzy. I take down a little more water and about 120 cal of trail putty, we make our way back. The first two miles felt great. The water and trail putty kicked in and felt grand…..that was short lived. The last 2 miles were two of the longest miles I have run in my life. I can’t say the longest because there are a few other runs that can top the worst on many different levels but this was not pleasant. I was dehydrated…..I had maybe 4 oz of water during the run and not much prior, cotton mouth and Sudafed head from my allergies/cold, and I was caloric deficient, my tummy was growling…and yelling at me as long as it could (this will not be the last time this happens today), plus I almost ran into a tree a few times and during the last mile I actually thought a tree started talking to me, then I realized Emily had caught up to me. I was very thankful to reach the trailhead. Coach Jane drove me back to my car and then I made my way down to training session part 3, Pancake Thrown Down.
Driving in my state was not a good idea. I was dizzy and shaking and yelling at traffic. I arrive at The Stepping Stone and am happily greeted by some friends/team mates and my mama! Carly was a doll and placed my order so that I could eat immediately. I still had to wait a few minutes to change and have the food come out and I was not in a good state. Changing seemed to take an eternity…it might have helped it I didn’t put my pants and shirt on backwards….yea I was a bit out of it. I get back to the table and the pancakes had arrived. Yay! Food! I dived right in. Now, call me lucky but these pancakes were not as big as I had remembered. Did they use less batter? They did know it was a fund raiser. Carly had ordered me 5 pancakes. WTF?! I swore a full stack was only three!!!! Which after I got home I checked online and yes ladies and gents, three Man-Cakes do equal a Full Stack. The first few bites were like heaven on earth. I opted for those evil little blueberries that taunted me in my sleep over the buttermilk. It was time to unleash the wrath! I started to devour them, Brian made a comment how I should chew slowly for digestion. But I thought about that and my brain has a 20 min delay from my tummy and if I did that my brain would be like “WTF are you doing?” and I just wouldn’t make it. So I proceeded to inhale them. The first 1/2 were delightful , the syrup, blueberries, whole wheat goodness was just what I needed. It was about the last ¼ that really kicked in. My tummy started grumbling and things were not feeling so well. I was so dehydrated I needed to start drinking water, not a good idea. I’m looking at the last ¼ thinking to myself “I know I can do this.” As my tummy is yelling back “No, No, No you can’t. Let’s be reasonable here. Let’s talk things out….” I asked my table, “What do I do? Do I take the last few bites slow and take my time or do I just go for it and not think, just do?” The consensus was to “Just Do”. My tummy was already arguing with my brain and this was a battle I was not willing to give up. Stupid stomach, have I mention how much I want a transplant? Anywho, push came to shove and I finished them all. Each pancake was weight out prior, 10 oz each = 30 oz plus ½=3/4 of a cup of Maple syrup = 34-36 oz of food, 2.2 lbs. I don’t know what was worse, the lbs of whole wheat carbs and blueberries or the evils of the syrup. I’m pretty sure it was the syrup. Approx 4-6 oz of syrup = 300-500 cal and 80-120 grams of sugar. Do you know what that looks like weight out in white sugar? 28 in an ounce = 2.8 – 4.2 oz of freaking sugar. This is not good for a girl whom is 99% sugar free. I hit comatose state within an hour…..then for the next 6 hours I felt like I was going to puke. I never did, but I’m sure it would have helped things….I was surprised that my weight only increased by 1 lb. I was 134 pre swim and 135 when I got home from the Stepping Stone.
So for $275 in donations…..was it worth it? Hell yea, that’s money to find a cure for cancer!!! Thanks for supporting me!
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