Friday, August 21, 2009

Runner's High

AM Pilates - 30 minutes
Usually I don't notate when I do Pilates but I think the stretching and core work did a great deal for my run there after.

8.5 mile run - threshold
As planned my workouts are dropping in duration and picking up a bit w/ intensity with extra recovery allowed. I did my normal 8.5 mile loop from my house out to the Nike HQ and back - the run is all rollers with a few short flats. This is the first run in God knows how long I was able to "easily" maintain a 170-180hr rate. My stride was long than normal, I contribute this to the morning Pilates and my energy was high, thank you taper. I ran what felt comfortable on my legs and pushed my energy. Finished in 1:07 - 7:55 pace and started my Friday off with a runners high.

Evening OW Swim - 30 mins at Sauvie's Island
I can't remember the last I did an OW swim. Is that a bad thing? I don't get OW shock, I swim in a pretty straight line (except for that one time :)). The only thing I get out of OW is getting acclimated to the wetsuit. Today I felt like a fish - it was awesome.

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