Friday I got the final KO. You know, I was ok with not doing Wildflower HIM. Once I was told that I could do CdA but it would not be the race I would want I was OK backing out of that as well. The final hit was when I was advised against doing our annual work team building Canby Gator Grinder. I am still swimming with a pull buoy and bands. I still can not flip turn off the pool wall let alone push off with any sort of power. I have not biked outside in almost 2 weeks and have stayed in zone 1/2 on the trainer. I can not run. Put all of those "can not's" together and I can not do a sprint triathlon. This hit was the hardest. Not because I wanted to race a sprint. Those who know me know I HATE sprints. They are too short and I personally like the concept of breathing. The reason it hit so hard was the feeling of failing my team, my work and most of all my boss. I allowed this injury to happen. I "ran" my legs into the ground. This year I will not be apart of our annual team building and that saddens me more then I can express. I will of course be on the side lines cheering for each and every one of my co-workers as loud as I can.....but a small part of my heart will be missing.
Speaking of roommate Jesse ran her first marathon on Sunday. Goooooo Jesse! Saturday night I took it upon myself to carb load as well as she treated me a wonderful dinner and then to a delicatessen from
The Sweet Life. I opted for peanut butter chocolate chip cookie and she enjoyed a molasses. Weather turned out to be perfect for race day. High 50s to low 60s without a drop in the sky. I was able to see Jesse at mile 2, mile 10, mile 17 and then at mile 25. She beamed each and every time I saw her. I was thankful to have Michele and Sheryl to help me figure out how to get to the mile markers. I was also thankful this was a looped course as my legs grew tired and very agitated from all the walking. 2.5 hours into cheering I ended up at my car for a quick cat nap and rest my footies. Surprisingly along the course I saw many more friends.....all ran happy - which made me happy. For that entire day there wasn't a drop of sadness in my body. I was inspired by all my and running their dreams. Jesse, I've said this before and I'll say it again. I am SO PROUD of you. Run on girl! :D
And a other few shout outs
Michele and Sheryl - You two are awesome! Injured and all you trooped around the course cheering on your team all day. Thanks for letting me join you!
Seth - It was great to see you being you - running the marathon and then each and every team member back in. I wish you best of luck towards your 100 miler. You look well on your way.
Tina - You looked great out there!
Carly - Way to achieve your goal! Good job at sticking through the pain.
Diane - You're a tough cookie and very inspiring
Deb - You looked fabulous darling, fabulous. Great run!
Jeremy - Missed you but heard about your great results!
Paul - Congrats on BQing!
On the way home Jesse and I stopped for some recovery Mexican food. I decided that I should join her and eat just as if I had run a marathon. Oh well, I'll have some weight to use as energy once I'm off of recovery.
Monday - THANKFUL I took the day off of work. From all the driving, lack of sleep, cheering and walking I was an exhausted Kat. Not to mention was attacked by alleriges. I woke up fatigued and my whole body is sore. PMS is not helping anything.
Swim - 2500 yards - drill/sets with pull bouy, bands around my legs and paddles. I thought this was going to be the end of me as my upper body had hurt so much prior to the swim. BUT it wasn't! The swim felt great! I recovered with an hour of pilates to help stretch out the muscles a little more. Plus with the amount of eating I've been doing I REALLY need to make sure I keep my ab muscles in check.
Spent the afternoon cooking for the week. Made a Mexcian bean soup and dirty red beans and rice with shrimp and turkey sausage. Mmmmm, mmmm, good.

And here's a preview of what our fridge looks like on a typical week. Every time it opens it throws up on us.

A 75 min spin Z1/Z2 and my training day was done. I'm finally able to hold low Z2 w/out any pain or muscle fatigue. This is a very good thing. I've been spinning pain free in Z1 but I've had no energy or power to push. My legs have felt gimpy. Today was the first day they started to....should I even say it? They started to feel normal (I just knocked on wood, thank you very much!)
I ended the day picking up a long lost hobby - pastel painting. Unfortunately I bought the chalk based rather than oil based. The next photo should come out better......I call this one Lemonade - a metaphor is you will :)